Sunday, November 1, 2009

Before the Accident / and / After the Accident

The Afternoon of February 16, 2002,
Roadtrip: LA to Phoenix

. . . . I rarely would let others drive because I had a feeling I'd be in a car accident as a result.

If only I'd LISTENED to my inner knowing this time!!! It always warned me - I mostly listened. Now I always listen.

February 16th, 2002, I let someone else drove because there were 2 kids with us, and my van didn't have a back seat for them to be belted into. So, with my inner-knowing screaming at me NOT to go, I got in the new Ford Expedition - a giant vehicle.

For now, the bare details:
I was the Passenger in a High-Speed Rollover on the I10, by the steel Windmills.
Face Smashed, Skull and Body Battered as the Ford Expedition flipped over going about 80 mph. It then came crashing down onto the pavement in the loudest B A N G I've ever heard. The giant, new Expedition rolled over a few times and then somehow I was thrown through the drivers window - past the driver? That's what I'm told. The back of my head hit the asphalt.

I floated above my body, watching with slightly detached interest, as the paramedics worked on my body, yelling at me to stay with them . . .

Result: LaPort I, II, III fractures, pulverized right side of my face.
Burst Fractures 3, 5 & 7 of the Thoracic part of my Spine.
Eyelid ripped almost completely off
Face ripped up
Complete bruising everywhere
Dead - but the EMT's and doctors kept bringing me back.

Before the Accident / and / After the Accident

Yes, I Survived,
BUT My World was Shattered,

in a Blink of an Eye
B A M !


Consciousness . . .

A TRAUMATIC ACCIDENT alters ones entire life. Our 'normal life' has been taken from us in an INSTANT, we are Broken and life is now thought of as Before the Accident and After the Accident.

As of this writing, it's been almost 8 very difficult years. I miss my healthy body, my normal face. I do less, I'm never without sunglasses to hide behind. My many doctors did a great job considering what they had to work with. Sure looks easy in the movies - real life is QUITE another story!

When my body hurts too much to bare, I still get frustrated and sad, but I don't dwell on it any more, instead I sit in my recliner with my laptop, and accept that this is life as I must lead it now. The tears don't fall as often any more, I still avoid mirrors - yes, I'm pretty much a recluse, but I enjoy being alone, always have. Now it's just much more, the adventures much less.

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