Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My View on Medications

When you're body has been severely traumatized and shattered, your bodies reaction is to pass-out because the pain is too much to bear.

Once you're saved by trained EMT's and transported to a hospital and into ICU, doctors continue working to help you survive.

I was given morphine, and all I can say is thank heaven morphine exists! I feel patients should have the right to as much morphine as they need in the following days and weeks of severe bodily trauma.

I do NOT believe anyone can get addicted to morphine when the pain without morphine is absolutely intolerable.

I also know that getting off morphine and any pain killers as soon as possible is the best thing you can do in allowing your bodies own healing power to take over.

ALWAYS know the side-effects listed on the drugs you take - at least once you're out of the hospital . . . . and try to never take any pain meds again.

The best remedies I've found for my sometimes debilitating pain, is to lay down and distract myself by reading.

As a photographer, I get so focused on shooting, I can keep the pain at bay for awhile at least.

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